Add RESTful APIs for Your GRPC Services in 5 Minutes

gRPC service with HTTP interface?

Kevin Wan
Better Programming


While go-zero brought an excellent RESTful and gRPC service development experience to the developers, more expectations arose. Like:

  • I want to write code only once
  • I want both the gRPC and HTTP interfaces

It makes sense! You see what users say.

User A: a set of logic, HTTP and gRPC together.

User B: if go-zero can simplify this step I feel it will become the the best microservices framework, ever.

So I fell into a deep thought: the user is never wrong, but do we want to provide it?

Here comes the article.

Let’s write gRPC service first

We are too familiar with this service. Create a new directory, let’s call it grpc-restufl, and put a sum.proto file in it

syntax = "proto3";package sum;
option go_package="./pb";
message SumRequest {
int64 a = 1;
int64 b = 2;
message SumResponse {
int64 result = 1;
service Sum {
rpc Add(SumRequest) returns (SumResponse) {}

One-click generation, you know.

$ goctl rpc protoc --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=. --zrpc_out=. sum.proto

See what you get

├── etc
│ └── sum.yaml
├── go.mod
├── internal
│ ├── config
│ │ └── config.go
│ ├── logic
│ │ └── addlogic.go
│ ├── server
│ │ └── sumserver.go
│ └── svc
│ └── servicecontext.go
├─ pb
│ ├── sum.pb.go
│ └── sum_grpc.pb.go
├─ sum
│ └── sum.go
├── sum.go
└── sum.proto

To implement the business logic, modify the Add method in internal/logic/addlogic.go as follows.

func (l *AddLogic) Add(in *pb.SumRequest) (*pb.SumResponse, error) {
return &pb.SumResponse{
Result: in.A+in.B,
}, nil

You can run it, and the business logic is there (although it is very simple, for demo purpose.)

$ go mod tidy && go run sum.go
Starting rpc server at

For those who are familiar with go-zero, there is no highlight (new knowledge) here, let’s go ahead ~

Provide HTTP interface

Update go-zero

First, let’s update go-zero to v1.4.0 version,

$ go get -u

Modify the proto file

Modify sum.proto, I created a new sum-api.proto, as follows

syntax = "proto3";package sum;
option go_package="./pb";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";message SumRequest {
int64 a = 1;
int64 b = 2;
message SumResponse {
int64 result = 1;
service Sum {
rpc Add(SumRequest) returns (SumResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/sum"
body: "*"

Generate proto descriptor file

protoc --include_imports --proto_path=. --descriptor_set_out=sum.pb sum-api.proto

Modify the configuration file

The modified internal/config/config.go looks like this (partially)

type Config struct {
Gateway gateway.GatewayConf
Gateway.GatewayConf }

The modified etc/sum.yaml is as follows

Name: gateway
Port: 8081
- Grpc:
- localhost:8080
- sum.pb

Modify the main function

Create gateway and use ServiceGroup to manage gRPC server and gateway server, part of the code is as follows.

gw := gateway.MustNewServer(c.Gateway)
group := service.NewServiceGroup()
defer group.Stop()
fmt.Printf("Starting rpc server at %s... \n", c.ListenOn)
fmt.Printf("Starting gateway at %s:%d... \n", c.Gateway.Host, c.Gateway.Port)

Great job!

Let’s start the service

$ go run sum.go
Starting rpc server at
Starting gateway at

Test it with curl

$ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"a":2, "b":3}' localhost:8081/v1/sum
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Traceparent: 00-ad5b7df7a834a1c05ee64999e3310811-195ba1f4f9956cc4-00
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2022 14:33:11 GMT
Content-Length: 20
"result": "5"

And look at the link information in our gateway and gRPC logs that corresponds to what the client received, awesome!

{"@timestamp": "2022-07-18T22:33:11.437+08:00", "caller": "serverinterceptors/statinterceptor.go:76", "content": " - /sum. Sum/Add - {\"a\":2,\"b\":3}", "duration": "0.0ms", "level": "info", "span": "b3c85cd32a76f8c9", "trace":" ad5b7df7a834a1c05ee64999e3310811"}
{"@timestamp": "2022-07-18T22:33:11.438+08:00", "caller": "handler/loghandler.go:197", "content":"[HTTP] 200 - POST /v1/sum - 61662 - curl/7.79.1", "duration": "0.7ms", "level": "info", "span": "195ba1f4f9956cc4", "trace": "ad5b7df7a834a1c05ee64999e3310811"}


You see, adding the HTTP interface to our gRPC service is very easy? Isn't it?

Also, don’t underestimate this simple gateway, the configuration will automatically load balance if it is docked to the gRPC service found behind it, and you can also customize the middleware to control it whatever you want.

By the way, the full code for this example is at.

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